

Los Angeles Valley College 咨询 Department Remote/Online, and In-person 咨询 Services


咨询 appointments are available on a first-come-first-serve basis until further notice. You may 安排约会 找个合适的总顾问.


当天, 10-15 minutes in-person drop-in counseling for general questions is available on a first - come - first - serve basis for general questions Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and 3:00pm - 6:00pm, 及星期五上午八时至十一时.  Wait times may vary depending upon demand and counselor availability. 深入咨询,需要查阅学习记录, 成绩单评估或制定学生教育计划, 请安排一个咨询预约.

All new students are required to enroll in their first semester classes based on their CAP/Major, 申请学生教育计划(SEP), 完成新生迎新活动.



你可要求 学生教育计划 通过提交这个 form. 这个个性化的SEP将包括所有必需的先决条件, major, 通识教育及选修课程 tailored to your academic and career goal(s).


  • 登录到您的 学生门户
  • Select 学生的地位 tile
  • Click on 学生成功页面
  • Click on 新生迎新 (有英语、西班牙语、亚美尼亚语和俄语版本)



要访问您的SEP,请访问 学生门户,点击“管理类"平铺,向下滚动,点击"学生教育计划,然后点击 现任顾问SEP在册.

Your 学生教育计划 may include courses required for your major (some of these courses may require additional prerequisites), 通识教育及选修课程.

  • 先决条件 are courses or skills you need to satisfy before enrolling in a particular course. For example, completion of English 101 with a "C" or higher grade is a prerequisite for English 102.
  • Major requirements are a series of courses in a specific field of study or subject area.
    • Major course requirements for Associates Degrees can be found in the 程序映射器 或者在 LAVC目录.
    • Major preparation for students planning to transfer to a California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC) can be found on www.assist.org.
    • Courses required to transfer to a private and/or out-of-State university may vary for each college/university. 咨询辅导员和/或打算转学的机构.
  • 通识教育 is a pattern of courses from various disciplines which are required for graduation from a college or university.
    • The 跨部门通识教育转换课程(IGETC) is a pattern of courses that students can complete to satisfy Lower-division 通识教育 (GE) requirements at any University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) campus.
    • The 加州州立大学通识教育 pattern can be used to satisfy lower-division general education requirements for the CSU system only; therefore is appropriate for students who are only planning to apply to a CSU.
    • 通识教育 plan satisfies general education requirements for an Associate Degree only and should be used by students who do not intend to transfer to a university.
  • Elective courses are used to meet unit requirements for a degree or transfer and can be selected from any subject area based on the student's interest. Elective courses used for transferrable unit requirements must be designated as (CSU) or (UC:CSU) transferrable.

All students enroll in classes based on one of five different registration groups. 查看您的学生门户网站,了解您的注册日期.  Also, review the current 校历 for priority registration dates for your student group. 

  • Group 1:完全入学*人口, 现役军人, CalWorks, EOPS, SSD, 培养青年, 退伍军人及学生家长(带18岁以下受抚养子女)
  • Group 2:完全录取的运动员,L.A. College Promise and students completing a first degree in the registration term
  • Group 3:完全被录取的继续学生、新生和返校学生
  • Group 4: Non-matriculated continuing students; students with 100+ degree applicable units districtwide; continuing students not in good standing, new and returning students applying after the cutoff date to assign priority registration appointments
  • Group 5:继续, 新生和归来的K-12学生, K-12 students who applied after the cutoff date to assign priority registration appointments


  • 是大学水平的英语和数学课程吗
  • 是否有学生教育计划(SEP)
  • 完成新生培训

特殊项目学生(一.e., EOPS, SSD,退伍军人,TriO,黑人学者,DRC等.) should contact their program for assistance with prerequisite clearance and/or enrolling in excess units.

学生有责任满足所有课程的先决条件. Course prerequisites are listed in the Schedule of Classes and College Catalog. 如果完成了一门必修课程, 在任何被认可的美国学院/大学获得C或更高的成绩, 学生可以要求先决条件许可. 进行中的课程不能用于清除先决条件. Students may use copies of unofficial transcripts to clear prerequisites, but must request official copies to be sent to LAVC 招生及档案办公室 as soon as possible in order to earn credits for those courses.


  • 填妥及递交 LAVC先决条件许可表
  • Make sure to attach an unofficial copy of your transcript with a passing grade of "C" or better for the prerequisite course.

If your request is approved, you can proceed with your enrollment process. If your request is denied, a counselor may assist you with filing a 先决条件的挑战 与纪律部门主席会面.

特殊项目学生(一.e., EOPS, SSD,退伍军人,TriO,黑人学者,DRC等.) should contact their program for assistance with prerequisite clearance and/or enrolling in excess units.

You may enroll in up to 19 units for Fall/Spring semester and up to 9 units for Winter/Summer intersession. In order to enroll in additional units, follow these instructions: 

完成这个 超额单位申请表格 发邮件到prerequisites@lavc.从您的LACCD学生电子邮件帐户发送。edu. 通过个人电子邮件发送的请求将不予处理.


  • 你的名字
  • 学生证号码
  • 您要注册的课程名称和课程编号
  • 你要求的学期总单元数

You will be notified within 3-5 business days if your request was approved or denied based on your academic performance. 如果获得批准,您需要将填妥的表格送到 招生及档案办公室 进行处理. 






Phone: (818) 938-8418